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'Salsa in Dunedin' is an anthropology vlog  that explored Salsa in the Dunedin context. It was an assessment within the paper 'Translating Culture,' coordinated by Ruth Fitzgerald, within the Graduate  Diploma endorsed in Anthropology Program at The University of Otago. The assignment was awarded an A+.

'Into My Own' is a dance film developed for assessment purposes within the paper 'The Learner in Context,' coordinated by Sandi McCluteon, included within The Graduate  Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Primary) Program at Victoria University of Wellington.


The short film is based on my own learning experience within which I began my journey in West African Dance, and provides an analysis of the contextual factors that motivated my learning. All names are pseudonyms to protect the privacy of people. The assignment was awarded an A+.


NB: The film is shown here is the version that was submitted; however, Heather is currently editing and extending the film as much of analysis was not able to be incorporated due to time limits. Feel free to watch this version, but also do check back in over the next few months to watch the revised version.

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